50 Janitorial Appointments
(In Stock)
50 Janitorial Appointments
Availability: In Stock
50 Janitorial Appointments in the area of your choice, within the specifications and scope of work your cleaning service does business in. This is the "Rolls-Royce" of our appointment setting campaigns and is only for those who are 100% dedicated to jamming their pipeline full of quality leads. This package is awarded to a Senior Level PAM (Professional Account Manager) who's sole purpose will be to keep you busy! If a massive monthly sales blitz it's what your looking for you don't need to look any further! If this package doesn't take you form 0 to 60 in neck break speeds nothing will!!! If your hitting the neighboring businesses at every call and leaving a trail of business cards behind you things are going to happen fast. 50 appointments, 1 extra stop per appointment thats 100 sales calls. This should equal around 25 to 33 new customers depending on your skill level.
It's important to realize new accounts to flood in all at once, lead generation is strictly a numbers game and the more you play the more it pays! If you run several of these packages each year or like some of our customers run them back-to-back you'll have a six fugure janitorial service at the end of the first year. More experienced and larger cleaning services run this package for each sales rep. Typically a "PAM" can turn out 50 appontments in 4 to 6 weeks and this timeline will get shorter as our callback list increases. If a higher rate of appointments is desired more than one marketer can be assigned, the flexibility is yours! This is an excellent advanced level package for somebody wanting to do nothing but sales and has a management staff in place to handle the operational side of things. We can work with as many POC's (point of contacts) as you delegate and can even take over as your sales force should you get to that level.
All the data compiled during this package is constantly being reviewed and tweaked by our software to insure we are hitting the correct "groove" for your company and driving your prospect list off the chart! If a high level of sales is what your after then fasten your seat belt because your going for a ride!!!
- It is very important that you answer all of the above questions so we can quickly activate your campaign.
- If this is your first appointment package with us our turn around time is usually 50 days (7 weeks) on 50 appointments. Some areas take more time than others, this time frame is an average based on our conversion ratio. This time frame decreases with each package you run due to the data we compile on the targeted area. Also keep in mind if you are ordering on a Friday, over the weekend or on a holiday the time table will be adjusted accordingly.
- After receiving the above information one of our representatives will reach out to you and go over your campaign one-on-one to be sure all of us are on the same page.
- If more than one person will be doing sales be sure to enter their name and contact email under "Additional Contacts" in your Admin Panel
Want to double your chances of making this a successful campaign?
- What if the appointment you were going on was sent an email confirmation after it was made and a reminder the day before?
- What if the lead you were going to knew all about you and/or your company before you arrived?
- What if the prospect already had all your contact information in case some type of change needed to be made?
- What if your prospect had a chance to look over your website or even see references about you?
- Would any of this help you land 50% more of the leads you are paying good money for?
You can achieve this by adding TJC's Messenger Service to your order from the options above and we'll send an email to your prospect on your behalf introducing your company! We will also answer any questions they might have so upon your arrival the prospect feels more comfortable and "at ease" with speaking to you. Do worry these emails come from your company name not ours and in your name. You are BCC (blind carbon copied) on all messages including the introduction email so you are completely up to speed before your meeting. No more missed appointments, no more wasted trips, shorten your introduction presentation and get down to business faster with TJC's Messenger Service!
Proposal & Quotation Services
- Not sure how to put a proposal together?
- Not sure what to say and what not to?
- Not Sure What to include to maximize your chances of landing that account?
- Not sure on the appropriate delivery method and closing speech?
Let us take the guess work out of quoting and preparing your proposals. You go on the appointments that we set, fill out the form we provide you, send the form back to us and we take of the rest. Within 24 hours we will have your proposal put together, complete with pricing and emailed back to you. We will also include suggestions of what you should do next and how you should deliver your proposal in the most professional way. For most businesses this is the most challenging part of the sales process and also where many people go wrong. Don't let your competition get the best of you! We know just what to say and how to say it to be sure your proposal finds it's way to the top of the stack!
When this option is selected we will email you a form prior to the visit with your prospect. Take it with you and fill it out during your meeting. Send the completed form back to us and we'll supply you with a professionally put together proposal. Because these proposals are put together in binders they are shipped to you priority mail. We also email you a copy of all the the orignals in the event your prospect wants it emailed or faxed to them. It's our strong adviice not to email or fax proposals! Setup a time to return in person and hand deliver the proposal we send you. Presentation is just as important as the proposal itself!
Nobody puts professional proposals together better than we do, GUARANTEED!
- We can never guarantee that every appointment you go on will be perfect or without hiccups. What we do guarantee is a meeting face-to-face with the POC (point of contact) at each lead we provide you with or we will replace that lead FREE of charge.
- We are not making a sale for you! This is a tool designed for you to make the sale! This process sorts out the people who use your type of service and those who don't. It also eliminates the cold call aspect of doing sales, making your sales efforts 100X's more effective.
- Please note that we DO NOT guarantee your appointment(s) will be in the exact scope of work you select or in the exact time frame you select! This is a tool, a guide to help us target the businesses you are looking for. All other options are guaranteed! All we guarantee is a face-to-face meeting with a prospect in your area who is interested in the services you provide.