Selecting a web address (Domain Name) in the creation of your janitorial web site is another huge piece to the puzzle in owning a successful commercial cleaning business. Your website will be one of the biggest factors if not the biggest factor in landing more janitorial accounts for your business and here is why:
- A properly optimized website will index well among search engines when your customers are looking for your services. Knowing how to build content, what keywords and meta information to use among many other things is vital to your company being a success. It will do you no good if your company is based in California and businesses looking for commercial cleaners in New York are pulling you up.
- Any organizations you join to help you network like the BBB, Chamber of Commerce, ISSA, IICRC, on line directories, etc. will need or require you to have a way for them to link to you or you to them or both. This validates your business, builds your site ranking and gives potential clients a way to see what services you offer.
- Any cold calls, marketing information or telemarketing that your company does will need a way for your customers to check you out and see what makes you different than your competitors. The days of people opening the phone book and selecting services are just about done, in fact this form of advertising has put more companies out of business than it has helped.
The bottom line is you need a company who knows this business inside and out to develop your single biggest sales tool. Any sales efforts you do will revolve around your customers visiting your website to check you out before they call and everybody knows that you only get one chance to make a first impression, so make it count!
Here is a list of just some of the services we offer:
- Website Design
- Website Overhauling for businesses that already have a website
- Domain name registration
- SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
- Website submission to all the major search engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.)
- Add revenue by selling supplies. We offer OSCommerce, CRE Loaded, Magento, OpenCart and ZenCart packages at affordable prices that are sure to take your business to the next level
- Website Hosting
- 24/7 Help Desk
- Unlimited email accounts
- Link Exchange program for higher page rankings
- Authoring and content building
- Pay-per-click marketing campaigns
- Turn Key Websites
No matter what your need is The Janitorial Center has a solution for every customer and every budget.
Let us help you get the contracts you need to build your business
According to a recent study, the internet is now the number one source of information for people all over the world. It is important your cleaning company has an online presence as it gives you the visibility your business needs, no matter how big or small your cleaning company is. The Janitorial Center offers professional web design and hosting services for your commercial cleaning business. This service is offered by The Janitorial Center at a fraction of the cost of other professional web design and web hosting companies. You could get the domain name of your choice, for example, you could register www.YourCompanyName.com (Subject to availability). Also, every Janitorial Center web design comes with unlimited free corporate email accounts. The best part of it all is, when The Janitorial Center designs your site, we also optimize the pages through a process called Search Engine Optimization (SEO). This process results in increased traffic to your commercial cleaning business as you will receive more exposure.
What is Server Space Hosting?
When a website is created, you have to have someplace to put in order for the rest of the world to see it. Think of the world-wide-web as an "apartment" and your website as the "person who lives in it". Just like an apartment, hosting space costs money to rent and is required for a site to be visible by others online.
- Appointment Setting
- Business Startup Packages +-
Forms & Documents
- Account Management
- Agreemnets - Contracts - Legal
- Business Plans
- Customer Collection Letters
- Employee - Subcontractor Forms
- Floor Cleaning and Maintenance
- Green Cleaning
- Miscellaneous Janitorial Forms
- Promotional and Sales Material
- Residential Cleaning
- Startup Paperwork - Forms
- Account Bidding & Proposals
- Audio Section
- Marketing Lists
- Marketing Materials & Logo Design
- Membership Packages
- Purchase Accounts
- Websites +-